SELAMAT DATANG Dr. JEFRI SITORUS, M.Kes semoga sukses memimpin KKP Kelas I Medan------------------------ Kami Mengabdikan diri Bagi Nusa dan Bangsa untuk memutus mata rantai penularan penyakit Antar Negara di Pintu Masuk Negara (Pelabuhan Laut, Bandar Udara dan Pos Lintas Batas Darat=PLBD) ------

Disease Outbreak News

Saturday, June 6, 2009

WHO Adakan Pertemuan Darurat Bahas Flu Babi

06 Juni 2009 05:01 WIB
JENEWA--MI: Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) Jumat (5/6) mengadakan pertemuan darurat komite ahli flu untuk menentukan apakah badan itu akan mengumumkan tingkat pandemik tertinggi, kata seorang jurubicara.

"Sidang komite darurat diadakan hari ini dari pukul 14.00 hingga pukul 15.00," kata Fadela Chaib, yang menambahkan bahwa agenda komite itu adalah ganasnya H1N1 dan juga peninjauan langkah-langkah kesehatan internasional yang berkaitan.

Jumlah kasus flu babi melonjak menjadi 21.939 dan WHO sejauh ini belum mengumumkan tingkat pandemik tertinggi flu tersebut setelah menaikkan bahaya penyakit itu ke tingkat lima pada akhir April, yang mengisyaratkan bahwa pandemik akan terjadi dengan tingkat bahaya tertinggi enam. (Ant/OL-06)

A (H1N1) flu: Malaysia confirms 6th case in student returned from US


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia confirmed its sixth case of Influenza A (H1N1) in a student who arrived here on June 3 from New York on flight MH091.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said that passengers and crew were being traced for home quarantine.

Liow urged all Malaysians to be vigilant and continue practising good hygeine in order to prevent an outbreak via local transmission.

"Everyone must understand their responsibility and take care of themselves.

“This is so there is no chance for the virus to spread locally."

Liow said the ministry would also be issuing pamphlets and putting up posters to remind the public on what precautions to take when going overseas.

He said that this included wearing a mask and washing hands regularly.

Liow also commended the quick action of passengers aboard MH091 who had responded to the ministry, noting that scans at the airports were not a foolproof way of detecting the virus.

"The symptoms may manifest itself later," he said at a press conference after a working visit to the National Heart Institute Friday.

Earlier in Putrajaya, Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said that a total of 61 people who came into contact with confirmed influenza A (H1N1) patients were undergoing home quarantine.

He said 35 of them were those who came into contact with the student who had travelled back from the United States on June 1 while 26 others had contact with the two German tourists infected with the virus.

The 23-year-old male student was on board Malaysia Airlines’ Flight MH091 while the other two were German tourists, aged 30 and 32, who travelled from Singapore on AirAsia’s flight AK702 on Wednesday.

Dr Ismail said the three were still undergoing treatment and in stable condition.

“There were 276 passengers and crew members on board MH091 and so far, 71 of them have been traced in Malaysia.

“Of the 78 passengers and crew members on board AK702, 20 of them have been found,” he said.

He said those from MH091 would be put under home quarantine until Monday while those from AK702 would be released on Wednesday.

Two people who came into contact with the influenza A patient in Hong Kong were released from home quarantine Friday. Dr Ismail said the tracking of other passengers was still ongoing and he appealed to those involved to contact the ministry at 03-8881 0200 or 03-8881 0300.

He said that on Thursday, the ministry received 22 notifications of those who experienced influenza A symptoms, with two being the German tourists.

“All these cases have been admitted to the isolation wards at five designated hospitals for treatment and investigation.

“Besides the two confirmed cases, 12 of them have been tested negative for the virus while eight others are still waiting for their test results,” he said.

On Thursday, Dr Ismail said 15,013 passengers from affected countries had been screened.

“A total of 10,859 of them were screened at air entry points, 2,140 at sea entry points and 2,014 at land entry points,” he said, adding that two cases were referred to hospital for further examination.

Source :

13th and 14th Confirmed Cases of Influenza A (H1N1-2009)

Singapore has confirmed two more cases of Influenza A (H1N1-2009). Both of them have relatively mild symptoms and are in stable condition

The 13th Confirmed Case

2. The patient is a 23-year-old Singaporean male who went to Melbourne on 27 May and developed symptoms in the early hours of 3 Jun while he was still there. He returned to Singapore on Singapore Airlines SQ238 (Row 40) on 4 Jun at 1611 hours. His fever was detected by the thermal scanner at Changi Airport and was sent to TTSH via a 993 ambulance. He was subsequently admitted to CDC for further assessment that night. Laboratory results confirmed his infection at 1530 hours on 5 Jun.

The 14th Confirmed Case

3. The patient is a 22-year-old Singaporean female who is a cabin crew with Singapore Airlines and went to New York on 24 May. She was on the same flight (SQ25) from New York to Frankfurt as three of the earlier confirmed cases; the 7th confirmed case involving a 30-year-old Australian male tourist who was seated at row 54; the 10th confirmed case involving a 33-year-old Singapore female who was seated at row 19; and the 11th confirmed case involving an 18-year-old American female visitor who was seated at row 57. While these three earlier confirmed cases arrived in Singapore on 1 Jun, she had stopped over at Frankfurt and returned to Singapore one day later on 2 Jun at 0630 hours.

4. Upon arrival, she went home by taxi from the airport. She developed symptoms in the afternoon of 3 Jun. The next day, she consulted a GP in the evening. She was referred to TTSH via a 993 ambulance and admitted to CDC for further assessment that night. Laboratory results confirmed her infection at 1530 hours on 5 Jun.

5. Malaysian MOH has also informed us of two confirmed cases arising from SQ25 on 1 Jun. The two were foreign passengers arrived in Singapore on 1 Jun and left for Malaysia KL on 3 Jun.

Contact Tracing

6. Contact tracing has been initiated for the 13th and 14th confirmed cases. Passengers within rows 38 to 42 on SQ238 on 4 Jun who have not been contacted by MOH yet should call the MOH hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable us to check on their health condition expeditiously. All close contacts identified will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.

7. In view of that there are six confirmed cases related to SQ25 on 1 Jun, passengers on board SQ25 on 1 Jun (New York to Singapore via Frankfurt) are advised to monitor their health closely till 8 Jun. Should they be unwell, they are advised to go to CDC immediately for an assessment using the 993 ambulance.

Update on the 12th Confirmed Case

8. Contact tracing for close contacts of the 12th case involving the 18-year-old Singaporean male who returned from Melbourne on Emirates EK405 (row 18) at 2350 hours on 1 Jun, have been accounted for. We have established a total of 43 close contacts comprising of 40 flight passengers and 3 local contacts. All 3 local contacts will be issued HQOs. We will also issue 21 HQOs to the 24 flight passengers who are in Singapore. We have provided ICA with the details of the 3 remaining passengers who are uncontactable. 16 flight passengers are out of Singapore.

9. The case had developed symptoms on 30 May while he was in Melbourne. He was not picked up by the thermal scanner at Changi Airport as he did not have fever then. He was met by his friend at the airport who drove him to a hotel for an overnight stay as he wanted to isolate himself from his family. On 2 Jun, he took a taxi to a GP clinic in the morning and then went back to the hotel. He later checked out from the hotel and took a taxi to his sister's residence where he remained for the whole day. On 3 Jun, he went to the same GP clinic with a family member by MRT in the morning. He then returned to his sister's residence, and stayed there the whole day. On 4 Jun, a 993 ambulance was called to send him to TTSH ED at about 12 noon. Laboratory results confirmed his infection at 1925 hours on 4 June, and he was admitted to CDC.

Advice from MOH

10. MOH advises the public to avoid non-essential travel to these affected areas (Melbourne and the State of Victoria in Australia, Kobe and Osaka in Japan and Chile, USA, Canada and Mexico). Should they become unwell within 7 days of their return from affected areas, they should seek medical attention promptly and call 993 for an ambulance. They should avoid taking public transport or taxi to minimise exposure. To help in contact tracing, the public may find it helpful to keep records of their movements for 7 days (for example by keeping taxi receipts) after their return from the affected countries.

11. For people who are unable to avoid travelling to affected areas, they should:

• Avoid crowded areas and contact with anyone who appears unwell.

• Maintain high standards of personal hygiene at all times.
- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water, especially before touching the eyes, nose or mouth.
- Turn quickly away from anyone near if they are about to cough or sneeze.
- Cover the nose and mouth with a piece of tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue paper properly in the dust bin after use.

• MOH also advised travellers to see a doctor as soon as possible if they feel unwell overseas and refrain from travelling until certified fit by the doctor.

8. MOH is monitoring the situation closely and will update the public on any new developments. For more information on Influenza A (H1N1-2009), please access MOH’s website at, call our hotline at 1800-333 9999, or visit

5 Jun 09

Third Meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee

The WHO Director-General convened a third meeting of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Committee on 5th June 2009. The purpose of the meeting was to update the Committee on the global situation and seek advice on proposals to introduce severity assessments in any future announcements of pandemic phase changes by WHO.

There was a broad consensus on the importance of including information on severity in future announcements. The committee gave further advice regarding a number of parameters, the monitoring of which will provide information for the assessment of the severity of the epidemic.

In discussion with the Committee, the Director-General noted that with the world remains in Pandemic Influenza Phase 5 and reaffirmed that WHO will continue to monitor the situation closely in all countries reporting cases of new Influenza A (H1N1).

Based on the advice of the Committee, the Director-General determined that it was appropriate to continue the existing Temporary Recommendations, namely:

  • That all countries intensify surveillance for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia.
  • Not to close borders and not to restrict international travel. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following travel to seek medical attention.
  • That the production of seasonal influenza vaccine should continue at this time, subject to re-evaluation as the situation evolves.
Source :

Friday, June 5, 2009

12th Confirmed Case of Influenza A (H1N1-2009)

Singapore has confirmed its 12th case of Influenza A (H1N1-2009). The patient is an 18-year-old Singaporean male. He went to Melbourne on 16 May and returned to Singapore on Emirates EK405 on 1 June at 2350 hours. He was seated at row 18. He was sent to TTSH ED at about 12 noon today by ambulance via 993. Laboratory results confirmed his infection at 1925 hours on 4 June and he was admitted to the Communicable Disease Centre.

2 Contact tracing is ongoing for the 12th confirmed case. MOH will provide more information when it is available.

Advice from MOH

3 MOH advises the public to avoid non-essential travel to these affected areas (Melbourne and the State of Victoria in Australia, Kobe and Osaka in Japan and Chile, USA, Canada and Mexico). Should they become unwell within 7 days of their return from affected areas, they should seek medical attention promptly and call 993 for an ambulance. They should avoid taking public transport or taxi to minimise exposure. For people who are unable to avoid travelling to affected areas, they should:

• Avoid crowded areas and contact with anyone who appears unwell.

• Maintain high standards of personal hygiene at all times.
- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water, especially before touching the eyes, nose or mouth.
- Turn quickly away from anyone near if they are about to cough or sneeze.
- Cover the nose and mouth with a piece of tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue paper properly in the dust bin after use.

• MOH also advised travellers to see a doctor as soon as possible if they feel unwell overseas and refrain from travelling until certified fit by the doctor.

4 MOH is monitoring the situation closely and will update the public on any new developments. For more information on Influenza A (H1N1-2009), please access MOH’s website at, call our hotline at 1800-333 9999, or visit


Influenza A(H1N1) - update 44

5 June 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 5 June 2009, 69 countries have officially reported 21,940 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 125 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 147 0 16 0
Australia 876 0 375 0
Austria 2 0 1 0
Bahamas 1 0 0 0
Bahrain 1 0 0 0
Barbados 1 0 1 0
Belgium 13 0 0 0
Bolivia 3 0 0 0
Brazil 28 0 8 0
Bulgaria 1 0 0 0
Canada 1795 3 265 1
Chile 369 1 56 1
China 89 0 20 0
Colombia 24 0 4 0
Costa Rica 68 1 18 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Cyprus 1 0 0 0
Czech Republic 2 0 1 0
Denmark 4 0 3 0
Dominican Republic 33 0 22 0
Ecuador 43 0 4 0
Egypt 1 0 0 0
El Salvador 49 0 8 0
Estonia 3 0 2 0
Finland 4 0 0 0
France 47 0 21 0
Germany 43 0 15 0
Greece 5 0 0 0
Guatemala 23 0 9 0
Honduras 34 0 32 0
Hungary 3 0 2 0
Iceland 1 0 0 0
India 4 0 3 0
Ireland 8 0 4 0
Israel 39 0 6 0
Italy 38 0 8 0
Jamaica 2 0 0 0
Japan 410 0 25 0
Korea, Republic of 41 0 0 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Lebanon 3 0 0 0
Luxembourg 1 0 1 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 5563 103 534 6
Netherlands 4 0 0 0
New Zealand 11 0 1 0
Nicaragua 5 0 4 0
Norway 9 0 5 0
Panama 173 0 18 0
Paraguay 5 0 0 0
Peru 47 0 7 0
Philippines 29 0 13 0
Poland 4 0 0 0
Portugal 2 0 0 0
Romania 8 0 3 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Saudi Arabia 1 0 1 0
Singapore 12 0 3 0
Slovakia 3 0 1 0
Spain 218 0 38 0
Sweden 13 0 6 0
Switzerland 10 0 0 0
Thailand 8 0 6 0
Turkey 8 0 4 0
United Kingdom 428 0 89 0
United States of America 11054 17 1001 0
Uruguay 15 0 0 0
Venezuela 4 0 1 0
Viet Nam 3 0 0 0
Grand Total 21940 125 2681 8

Chinese Taipei has reported 16 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above. Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

Source :

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A (H1N1) flu: M’sia reports 3 more cases

PUTRAJAYA: Three more new cases of influenza A (H1N1) have been confirmed in Malaysia, making the total number of patients infected with the disease to five since May 15.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the first new case was a Malaysian student, 23, who travelled home from the United State on MAS flight MH091 for holiday.

“The student did not have fever when he arrived at the KL International Airport on Monday (June 1) but started to have the symptom and cough on Wednesday (June 3),” he told a press conference here Thursday.

He said the student was admitted at the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban on Wednesday for treatment and investigation.

“He was confirmed to have contracted the disease at 4am Thursday through laboratory test carried out by the Malaysia Medical Research Institute,” he said.

He said the student, who had been given anti-viral treatment, was in stable condition.

Liow said the other two patients were two Germans tourists, who first arrived in Singapore on Monday (June 1) for their holiday in Asia countries.

“They arrived at the LCCT on AirAsia flight AK702 on Wednesday (June 3) at 1.55pm,” he said.

He said the two patients, aged 30 and 32, started having fever in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday (June 3).

“They received treatment at the Gleneagles Hospital, Kuala Lumpur and were transferred to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for further treatment and investigation at 1.40am on the same day,” he said.

He said the two patients, who were friends, were confirmed with the disease at 3pm Thursday through laboratory test by the Malaysia Medical Research Institute.

“They are in stable condition and anti-viral treatment will start now,” he said.

Liow said the ministry was tracking those who came into contact with the two German patients, including crew members and passengers on board AK702, to prevent local transmission of the virus.

“We ask for their cooperation with the ministry by contacting us at 03-8881 0200 or 03-8881 0300 so that we can give them health advice, including the need of home quarantine,” he said.

However, Liow could not give details of how many crew members and passengers from AK702 were involved.

“We are still getting the information,” he said.

He advised members of the public to practise cough etiquette by covering their mouth and washing their hands with soap and water after coughing and sneezing.

“Those who are coughing and having flu are advised to uses ‘three-ply’ mask to prevent infection,” he said.

He also urged those who were having fever, cough and flu not to travel overseas to reduce respiratory infection.


Source :

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Saudi Arabia confirms first H1N1 flu case

Wed Jun 3, 2009 5:24am EDT

RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has confirmed its first case of the H1N1 flu virus in a Filipina nurse, the kingdom's health minister said on Wednesday.

The woman arrived on Friday on board a Gulf Air flight from the Philippines and showed first symptoms on Monday, Abdullah al-Rabeeah told Saudi news channel al-Ekhbariya, adding that she was being held in quarantine in a hospital in the capital Riyadh.

"She wasn't showing any symptoms then when she came back ... She started showing some symptoms on Monday," he said.

"Preliminary tests turned positive last night," he said, adding that more tests had confirmed the results on Wednesday.

Saudi authorities are tracking down people who had contact with her on the flight and in the hospital, he said.

Gulf Air flights usually operate through their Manama hub in Bahrain.

Saudi Arabia's neighbor Kuwait said on May 24 that 18 U.S. soldiers had H1N1 flu in the first cases to hit the world's largest oil exporting region. Kuwait is a logistics base for the U.S. army for their Iraq operations.

Source :

Influenza A(H1N1) - update 43

3 June 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 3 June 2009, 66 countries have officially reported 19,273 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 117 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total
Newly confirmed since the last reporting period

Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 131 0 31 0
Australia 501 0 204 0
Austria 1 0 0 0
Bahamas 1 0 0 0
Bahrain 1 0 0 0
Belgium 13 0 1 0
Bolivia 3 0 0 0
Brazil 20 0 2 0
Bulgaria 1 0 1 0
Canada 1530 2 194 0
Chile 313 0 63 0
China 69 0 17 0
Colombia 20 0 0 0
Costa Rica 50 1 13 0
Cuba 4 0 0 0
Cyprus 1 0 0 0
Czech Republic 1 0 0 0
Denmark 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 11 0 9 0
Ecuador 39 0 0 0
Egypt 1 0 1 0
El Salvador 41 0 14 0
Estonia 1 0 0 0
Finland 4 0 1 0
France 26 0 2 0
Germany 28 0 0 0
Greece 5 0 1 0
Guatemala 14 0 2 0
Honduras 2 0 0 0
Hungary 1 0 0 0
Iceland 1 0 0 0
India 1 0 0 0
Ireland 4 0 0 0
Israel 33 0 14 0
Italy 30 0 1 0
Jamaica 2 0 0 0
Japan 385 0 15 0
Korea, Republic of 41 0 8 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Lebanon 3 0 3 0
Malaysia 2 0 0 0
Mexico 5029 97 0 0
Netherlands 4 0 1 0
New Zealand 10 0 1 0
Nicaragua 1 0 1 0
Norway 4 0 0 0
Panama 155 0 48 0
Paraguay 5 0 0 0
Peru 40 0 4 0
Philippines 16 0 0 0
Poland 4 0 0 0
Portugal 2 0 1 0
Romania 5 0 2 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Singapore 9 0 4 0
Slovakia 2 0 0 0
Spain 180 0 2 0
Sweden 7 0 3 0
Switzerland 10 0 2 0
Thailand 2 0 0 0
Turkey 4 0 0 0
United Kingdom 339 0 110 0
United States of America 10053 17 1078 2
Uruguay 15 0 4 0
Venezuela 3 0 1 0
Viet Nam 3 0 2 0
Grand Total 19273 117 1863 2

Chinese Taipei has reported 14 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above. Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision
Source :

Travel Notices - CDC Travelers' Health