SELAMAT DATANG Dr. JEFRI SITORUS, M.Kes semoga sukses memimpin KKP Kelas I Medan------------------------ Kami Mengabdikan diri Bagi Nusa dan Bangsa untuk memutus mata rantai penularan penyakit Antar Negara di Pintu Masuk Negara (Pelabuhan Laut, Bandar Udara dan Pos Lintas Batas Darat=PLBD) ------

Disease Outbreak News

Friday, November 23, 2007

Pesawat Garuda Pengangkut Jamaah Haji Embarkasi MES di Desinseksi.

Sebagai garda terdepan dalam upaya cegah tangkal keluar masuknya Penyakit yang tergolong Penyakit Karantina dan Penyakit Menular Potensial Wabah serta Penyakit yang tergolong PHEIC di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Medan telah melaksanakan Pengawasan Kesehatan Alat Angkut yang keluar Masuk di Bandar Udara Polonia Medan. Pada tanggal 23 Nopember 2007 jam 05.00 WIB yang bertepatan dengan masa pelaksanaan haji tahun 1428 H / 2007-2008 M telah melaksanakan tindakan kekarantinaan berupa Hapus Serangga (Desinseksi) terhadap pesawat garuda dengan No.Penerbangan GA 3107 No. Register TF-AMJ dengan menggunakan Permetrin Aerosol Spray.
Selanjutnya KKP Kelas II Medan Menerbitkan Sertifikat Hapus Serangga Sebagai mana diperintahkan dalam Pasal 14 Undang-undang nomor 2 Tahun 1962 tentang Karantina Udara.

Instruksi Kementerian Kesehatan Arab Saudi.

Pada tanggal 7 Nopember 2007, Pemerintah Arab Saudi melalui kementerian kesehatannya dalam website resmi pemerintah telah mengumumkan bahwa : ”Pesawat, kapal laut dan angkutan lainnya yang datang dari negara tertentu harus juga membawa sertifikat yang membuktikan mereka telah menjalani desinseksi (hapus serangga) sebelum memasuki wilayah Arab Saudi” (Aircraft, ships and other modes of transport coming from such countries should also carry certificates proving that they have been disinfected before entering Saudi territory)
Foto - foto diatas merupakan dokumentasi kegitan Pelaksanaan Desinseksi terhadap pesawat yang segera akan digunakan Kloter 7 MES.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ministry Takes Steps to Upgrade Health Care for Pilgrims

Mohammed Rasooldeen, Arab News RIYADH, 7 November 2007

The Ministry of Health will establish computer links between hospitals and pharmacies in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah during the upcoming Haj season to help doctors ascertain the availability of drugs and medicines at pharmacies, the ministry announced yesterday.
“Such a network would help hospitals coordinate with pharmacies to find the availability of drugs and medicines so that doctors can prescribe them without any problems,” Dr. Ridah M. Khaleel, consultant to the Ministry of Health and head of the ministry’s Haj Committee, said in a statement to Arab News.
He added that such arrangements are being made to ensure that pilgrims are provided with appropriate health care services during their stay in the Kingdom.
The ministry will also deploy this year more health officials at the Haj Terminal in Jeddah’s King Abdul Aziz International Airport to look after the health interests of pilgrims.
“Officials will be deployed in the six arrival lounges to monitor the health condition of pilgrims through surveillance cameras installed at the airport. They will also meet and assist pilgrims facing health problems,” said Khaleel.
The ministry has purchased three new ambulances at a cost of SR120,000 to add to its present fleet at the airport. “These vehicles will be used to transport sick pilgrims, if any, to the nearest hospital from the airport,” he added.
Meanwhile, Saudi diplomatic missions abroad have been instructed to issue Haj visas only to pilgrims that have vaccination certificates against meningitis and, depending on the country, other diseases such as yellow fever.
Pilgrims coming from countries where yellow fever is endemic should carry with them valid certificates showing that they have been vaccinated against the illness, said the official.
Aircraft, ships and other modes of transport coming from such countries should also carry certificates proving that they have been disinfected before entering Saudi territory.
Pilgrims should get vaccinated against meningitis at least 10 days before arriving in the Kingdom.
Domestic pilgrims, residents of Makkah and Madinah and workers on assignments related to Haj, should also take meningitis vaccination.
A single meningitis shot has a three-year validity period.
The Health Ministry also advises pilgrims, particularly the aged and those with respiratory diseases, diabetes, and kidney, liver and heart complaints, to get vaccinated against influenza.
Pilgrims suffering from chronic ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, renal disorders and cardiac problems are advised to consult family doctors prior to leaving for Haj and to also bring with them adequate medication and medical reports of their health condition in case of an emergency.
As part of its health education program, the ministry will distribute 1.7 million pamphlets in 10 languages to pilgrims. Pamphlets are being printed in several languages, including English, Arabic, French, Urdu, Bahasa, Persian, Russian, Turkish, Mandarin Chinese and Bengali.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Haj has announced that the first day of arrival of foreign pilgrims at King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah and Prince Muhammad ibn Abdul Aziz International Airport in Madinah has been fixed for Saturday, Nov. 11.
Pilgrims will continue to arrive at both the airports until Dec. 14. The last date for pilgrims who arrive in Makkah first to travel to Madinah will be Dec. 5 by bus and Dec. 12 by air.
The final date for pilgrims to come from Madinah to Makkah by bus will be Dec. 15 and by air via Jeddah will be Dec.16.
The closing date for departing pilgrims has been fixed for Jan. 24.

Ministry Takes Measures to Ensure a Healthy Haj

Ministry Takes Measures to Ensure a Healthy Haj

Mohammed Rasooldeen & Ali Al-Zahrani, Arab News RIYADH, 25 May 2006
The Kingdom has instructed all its overseas missions to emphasize the health guidelines while issuing Haj visas for foreign pilgrims, a Haj Ministry spokesman announced yesterday.
While there are no new specific requirements, the Haj Ministry has embarked on an effort to reiterate via Saudi Arabia’s foreign missions the importance of health considerations among the guests of God.
First and foremost, pilgrims should take proper health measures to prevent the spread of communicable infections, to get orientated about the health challenges of the Haj and should inform authorities of any significant health problems upon entry to the Kingdom.
Khaled Al-Marghalani, general supervisor for communications and health awareness at the ministry, told Arab News yesterday that the Saudi government is stepping up efforts to ensure pilgrims adhere to these guidelines.
“The Ministry of Health has sent out circulars through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to all Saudi foreign missions to adhere to the guidelines strictly when visas are issued at their ends,” he said.
About two million pilgrims come here for the Haj through visas issued by Saudi embassies and consulates. All of these pilgrims convene in the weeks prior to the six-day pilgrimage, creating major challenges in crowd control and safety in the world’s largest annual assembly of people.
Al-Marghalani pointed out that some of the diseases are imported into the country due to lack of preventive measures taken by the foreign pilgrims and their governments.
The Foreign Ministry had advised its missions to request overseas Haj travel operators to organize orientation programs to educate the pilgrims on basic health rules to be followed during their stay in the holy cities.
Al-Marghalani said the ministry has instructed the pilgrims to produce vaccination certificates against yellow fever, meningitis, polio and influenza depending on the countries of origin. Vaccinations against meningitis, which are valid for three years, have been made compulsory on all pilgrims since it can easily spread among crowds through droplets of saliva.
Al-Marghalani said that his ministry has installed cameras and has instructed immigration officers to monitor any suspected cases of infected pilgrims entering the Kingdom through all ports of entry.

Travel Notices - CDC Travelers' Health