SELAMAT DATANG Dr. JEFRI SITORUS, M.Kes semoga sukses memimpin KKP Kelas I Medan------------------------ Kami Mengabdikan diri Bagi Nusa dan Bangsa untuk memutus mata rantai penularan penyakit Antar Negara di Pintu Masuk Negara (Pelabuhan Laut, Bandar Udara dan Pos Lintas Batas Darat=PLBD) ------

Disease Outbreak News

Friday, June 19, 2009


18 Jun 2009

Pandemik influenza A(H1N1) yang telah diisytiharkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia(WHO) tahap pandemik fasa 6 pada 11 Jun 2009, sehingga kini telah melanda 88 negara dan sejumlah 39,803 kes dengan 167 kematian telah dilaporkan. Pada fasa 6 ini, penularan telah menular meluas(global spread) di mana sehingga kini penularan tempatan telah dilaporkan di 22 negara dan 8 daripadanya melaporkan penularan yang berterusan.

Di Malaysia, sehingga kini sejumlah 27 kes telah dilaporkan yang disahkan mendapat jangkitan influenza A(H1N1). Daripada jumlah tersebut, 12 telah sembuh sepenuhnya. Baki 15 kes yang terakhir masih dalam rawatan dan telah beransur pulih dengan respons yang baik kepada rawatan antiviral yang diberikan. Lokasi kes yang dalam rawatan adalah Hospital Sungai Buloh(6), Hospital Kuala Lumpur(2), Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan(1), Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban(3), Hospital Queen Elizabeth, Kota Kinabalu(1), Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainon, Ipoh(1) dan Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang (1).

Daripada 27 kes yang dilaporkan, 16 kes adalah melibatkan warga Malaysia, 1 penduduk tetap Malaysia dan 10 warga asing. Untuk makluman, 26 daripada kes tersebut mendapat jangkitan sewaktu berada di luar negara yang sedang dilanda pandemik influenza A(H1N1) manakala 1 kes, yang melibatkan seorang pelajar perempuan, warga Malaysia, daripada kolej swasta tempatan, yang merupakan close contact kepada 1 daripada kes import yang dilaporkan pada 12 Jun 2009. Semua kontak kes ini yang berjumlah 20 telah dikenal pasti dan dikenakan home quarantine. Pada masa ini terdapat seramai 160 orang close contacts sedang menjalani kuarantin dan kesemua mereka adalah dalam keadaan stabil tanpa simptoms jangkitan influenza.


Sumber :

Ministry of Health, Singapore (2009-06-18). 11 confirmed new cases of influenza A H1N1

11 confirmed new cases of influenza A H1N1

Singapore has confirmed another 11 new cases (67th to 77th cases) of Influenza A (H1N1), including one who appeared to have acquired his infection in Singapore. The remaining 10 cases involve travellers returning from countries with known community transmission of H1N1. This brings the total number of confirmed cases here to 77.

2. The 73rd case is a 26-year-old Malaysian male who is a PR in Singapore. He departed from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur for work on SQ108 at 1000 hours on 14 June. Later that evening, he developed symptoms while he was having dinner at a restaurant. On 15 June, he attended a conference in the morning and went out in the evening. On 16 June, he sought medical attention at a GP clinic in the early hours and was prescribed antibiotics and paracetamol. He then went back to the hotel and remained there for the rest of the day. He returned to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur on SilkAir MI335 at 1514 hours on 17 June. He was seated at row 19. When he arrived at Changi Airport, he immediately approached the airport staff and a 993 ambulance was called to send him to TTSH. Prior to his travel to KL, his last travel out of Singapore was to Hong Kong from 28 May to 1 June 09. He remained well after his trip to Hong Kong.

3. While investigations continue, our tentative assessment is that he may be our first unlinked local case as he has no travel history to a known infected area. He could have come into contact with one of the earlier confirmed cases here, since the virus is not native here. Unless further investigations turn up evidence otherwise, and if more such unlinked cases emerge over the next few days, this would signal the beginning of community spread in Singapore. We have not reached such a stage yet. We must press on with our containment efforts and everyone must play his part. This is especially so for recent travellers from infected areas. They must not engage in community activities and come forward immediately for screening and isolation as soon as flu-like symptoms develop.

4. Meanwhile, we have alerted our Malaysian counterparts about this case and his activities in KL.

Details of new imported cases

5. The nationalities of the 10 imported cases are:
• 6 Singaporeans
• 1 Singapore PR (Filipino)
• 3 foreigners (1 Filipino, 1 Australian, 1 Canadian)

Of the 10 cases, one was unwell before boarding the flight, while three developed symptoms during the flight. The remaining six cases, who developed symptoms after arrival in Singapore, sought medical treatment or called 993 soon after onset of symptoms. All six stayed home between onset of symptoms and seeking treatment.

Contact tracing

6. Contact tracing is ongoing for all new cases, including for close contacts for the following flights:
• SQ919 (Manila to Singapore) on 16 June 2200 hrs rows 54-58
• SQ11 (LA to Singapore via Tokyo) on 17 June 0115 hrs rows 40-44
• SQ351 (Copenhagen to Singapore) on 17 June 0530 hrs rows 33-37
• SQ238 (Melbourne to Singapore) on 17 June 1610 hrs 37-41

7. Passengers who have not been contacted by MOH yet should call the MOH hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable us to check on their health condition expeditiously. All close contacts identified will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.

Breakdown of Total Confirmed Cases

8. The breakdown of the 77* cases is as follows:


Number of cases



United States
















*75 cases were imported while one appeared to have acquired his infection in Singapore, and another one was a close contact of a confirmed case.
# The 68th case is a 33-year-old Singaporean woman who went for a holiday in Europe from 28 May to 17 June. She was on a cruise from 4 June to 16 June. She developed symptoms while on the cruise. She was treated on the ship and returned to Singapore on 17 June.

9. So far, 27 patients have been discharged. The remaining 50 patients (22nd - 23rd, 25th - 28th, 31st - 32nd, 34th, 36th - 37th, 39th - 77th cases) are still in the hospital and their conditions remain stable.

Advisory to all travellers

10. For people who are planning to travel, they should check the MOH website for the latest update on the list of countries with confirmed cases of H1N1 so that they can make considered decisions on whether to proceed with
their travel plans. For more information on Influenza A (H1N1-2009), please access MOH’s website at, call our hotline at 1800-333 9999, or visit

18 June 09


Flu A H1N1 Jumlah Kasus Mendekati 40 Ribu

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

JENEWA--MI: Orang telah terpapar flu A H1N1 telah mendekati jumlah 40 ribu, yang menyebar di 89 negara, dan 167 orang telah meninggal sejak virus itu pertama kali ditemukan para Maret lalu. Demikian laporan Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO, Kamis (18/6).

Pada awal pekan ini, ditemukan sebanyak 3.692 kasus baru sehingga total di seluruh dunia telah mencapai 39.620 kasus. Tambahan empat korban tewas, tiga dari Kanada, dan satu orang di Argentina.

Penyakit yang sebelumnya dinamakan flu babi itu juga telah menyerang kawasan Amerika Latin. Ditemukan 641 kasus baru di Cile (dengan total 2.335 kasus), serta 390 kasus lagi di Argentina (total menjadi 733 kasus).

Di wilayah Asia Pasifik, Australia menjadi negara dengan kasus terbanyak yakni mencapai 2.112, bertambah 289 sejak awal pekan ini. Thailand juga mengalami lonjakan pesat, dari 29 menjadi 310 kasus. Di Filipina, muncul 116 kasus baru sehingga total yang terpapar menjadi 193 orang.

Hingga kini, Amerika Serikat menjadi negara dengan jumlah penderita terbanyak mencapai 17.855 kasus. Di Inggris didapati 235 kasus baru, sehingga total menjadi 1.461 kasus, termasuk satu orang meninggal.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Influenza A(H1N1) - update 50

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision
17 June 2009 12:00 GMT

Country, territory and area Cumulative total Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 733 1 390 1
Australia 2112 0 289 0
Austria 7 0 0 0
Bahamas 2 0 1 0
Bahrain 12 0 11 0
Barbados 3 0 0 0
Belgium 19 0 2 0
Bermuda, UKOT 1 0 1 0
Bolivia 11 0 4 0
Brazil 79 0 25 0
British Virgin Islands, UKOT 1 0 1 0
Bulgaria 2 0 0 0
Canada 4049 7 1071 3
Cayman Islands, UKOT 4 0 2 0
Chile 2335 2 641 0
China 382 0 64 0
Colombia 53 1 11 0
Costa Rica 149 1 45 0
Cuba 7 0 1 0
Cyprus 1 0 0 0
Czech Republic 4 0 0 0
Denmark 15 0 3 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 93 1 0 0
Ecuador 86 0 6 0
Egypt 26 0 8 0
El Salvador 125 0 30 0
Estonia 4 0 0 0
Finland 12 0 8 0
France 118 0 38 0
France, French Polynesia, FOC 1 0 1 0
France, Martinique, FOC 1 0 1 0
Germany 195 0 25 0
Greece 23 0 4 0
Guatemala 128 1 9 0
Honduras 100 0 11 0
Hungary 4 0 0 0
Iceland 4 0 0 0
India 30 0 14 0
Ireland 12 0 0 0
Israel 152 0 35 0
Italy 72 0 5 0
Jamaica 12 0 1 0
Japan 666 0 61 0
Jordan 2 0 2 0
Korea, Republic of 65 0 0 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Lebanon 11 0 3 0
Luxembourg 2 0 1 0
Malaysia 17 0 12 0
Mexico 6241 108 0 0
Morocco 3 0 2 0
Netherlands 68 0 7 0
Netherlands, Curacao, OT 1 0 1 0
New Zealand 127 0 41 0
Nicaragua 118 0 62 0
Norway 13 0 0 0
Panama 272 0 0 0
Paraguay 25 0 0 0
Peru 112 0 21 0
Philippines 193 0 116 0
Poland 7 0 0 0
Portugal 3 0 0 0
Qatar 3 0 3 0
Romania 16 0 3 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Samoa 1 0 1 0
Saudi Arabia 17 0 6 0
Singapore 49 0 2 0
Slovakia 3 0 0 0
Spain 499 0 11 0
Sri Lanka 1 0 1 0
Sweden 37 0 5 0
Switzerland 27 0 5 0
Thailand 310 0 281 0
Trinidad and Tobago 5 0 0 0
Turkey 16 0 6 0
Ukraine 1 0 0 0
United Arab Emirates 1 0 0 0
United Kingdom 1461 1 235 1
United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Crown Dependency 1 0 1 0
United Kingdom, Jersey, Crown Dependency 1 0 1 0
United States of America* 17855 44 0 -1
Uruguay 36 0 0 0
Venezuela 45 0 20 0
Viet Nam 27 0 2 0
West Bank and Gaza Strip 2 0 0 0
Yemen 1 0 1 0
Grand Total 39620 167 3692 4

Chinese Taipei has reported 58 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.

*The data has been revised on the basis of further laboratory confirmation


UKOT: United Kingdom Overseas Territory
FOC: French Overseas Collectivity
OT: Overseas Territory

Travel Notices - CDC Travelers' Health