SELAMAT DATANG Dr. JEFRI SITORUS, M.Kes semoga sukses memimpin KKP Kelas I Medan------------------------ Kami Mengabdikan diri Bagi Nusa dan Bangsa untuk memutus mata rantai penularan penyakit Antar Negara di Pintu Masuk Negara (Pelabuhan Laut, Bandar Udara dan Pos Lintas Batas Darat=PLBD) ------

Disease Outbreak News

Thursday, April 23, 2009

World Malaria Day , 25 April 2009

Approximately half of the world's population is at risk of malaria, particularly those living in lower-income countries. It infects more than 500 million people per year and kills more than 1 million. The burden of malaria is heaviest in sub-Saharan Africa but the disease also afflicts Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and even parts of Europe.
World Malaria Day - which was instituted by the World Health Assembly at its 60th session in May 2007 - is a day for recognizing the global effort to provide effective control of malaria. It is an opportunity:
for countries in the affected regions to learn from each other's experiences and support each other's efforts;
for new donors to join a global partnership against malaria;
for research and academic institutions to flag their scientific advances to both experts and general public; and
for international partners, companies and foundations to showcase their efforts and reflect on how to scale up what has worked.
The theme of this year's World Malaria Day is "Counting Malaria Out". The Roll Back Malaria Partnership - which includes WHO - is kicking off a campaign to engage partners in a comprehensive effort to count and quantify the progress and impact of the fight against malaria.
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Travel Notices - CDC Travelers' Health