Disease Outbreak News
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Avian influenza – situation in Cambodia – update
The case was a 10 years old female from Kampong Speu Province. She developed symptoms on 20 May 2012 and after initial treatment at the village was eventually admitted to the hospital on 25 May with symptoms of fever and shortness of breath. Infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus was confirmed by Institute Pasteur du Cambodge on 26 May 2012, however, despite intensive medical care, she died on 27 May 2012.
There are reports of recent deaths among poultry in her village and the patient prepared sick chicken for food prior to becoming sick.
The girl is the twenty-first person in Cambodia to become infected with A(H5N1) virus and 19 have died from the disease.
The National and local Rapid Response Teams (RRT) are conducting outbreak investigation and response following the national protocol. In addition, a public health education campaign is being conducted in the village to inform families on how to protect themselves from contracting avian influenza.
Source: Global Alert and Response (GAR)
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Masrip Sarumpaet
Friday, May 25, 2012
Biar Polio Cepat Tuntas, WHO Akan Umumkan Darurat Global
Jumat, 25/05/2012 07:50 WIB
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Meningococcal disease: situation in the African Meningitis Belt
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Pembukaan World Health Assembly ke-65

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RI 4 besar penderita TBC
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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Monday, April 23, 2012
Penyakit Kulit Mematikan Mewabah di Vietnam, 19 Orang Tewas
Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Nguyen Thanh Long, mengatakan pihaknya akan meminta bantuan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia dan para pakar penyakit menular dari Amerika Serikat.
Ia melanjutkan, pihaknya sudah mengambil sejumlah langkah, untuk mengantisipasi, bertambahnya korban jiwa, akibat penyakit tersebut.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Yellow fever in Cameroon and in Ghana
Yellow fever in Cameroon
3 February 2012 - In December 2011, the Ministry of Health of Cameroon notified WHO of a yellow fever outbreak in the North Region of the country.
A total of 23 cases, including 7 deaths, have been reported to have occurred since October 2011 in Guider, Bibemi, Gaschiga, Lagdo, Mayo Oulo and Golombe districts. These cases were identified as part of the surveillance system, with fever and jaundice within the 14 days of onset.
At least 13 cases from six health districts were laboratory confirmed at the Institute Pasteur of Cameroon by IgM ELISA test, which was followed by the seroneutralizing test (PRNT), the most specific test for yellow fever, and by differential diagnostic for dengue and West Nile Virus conducted in the WHO regional reference laboratory for yellow fever, the Institute Pasteur of Dakar, Senegal.
WHO country office has been working with the government/health authorities in the outbreak field investigation to confirm the cases and assess the extent of the outbreak.
GAVI Alliance, UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision (YF-ICG) are supporting a reactive mass vaccination campaign which aims to cover over 1.2 million people in 8 health districts considered at high risk, namely Guider, Bibemi, Gaschiga, Lagdo, Mayo Oulo, Garoua I Garoua II, and Golombe.
The vaccination campaign began on 23 January 2012, covering these 8 health districts which were not covered in the 2009 preventive mass vaccination campaign because they have no history of yellow fever outbreak or yellow fever virus circulation.
Yellow fever in Ghana
3 February 2012 - On 20 December 2011, the Ministry of Health of Ghana notified WHO of a yellow fever (YF) outbreak occurring in 3 districts; Builsa and Kassena-Nankana-West in the Upper East Region and Kitampo-South in the Brong Ahafo Region located in the mid-western part of the country.
A total of three laboratory-confirmed cases, including two deaths, have been detected by yellow fever surveillance, with the clinical syndrome of fever and jaundice.
The index case, reported from the Kassena-Nankana-West district, was a 12 year-old male who had been going with his father to his farm in a forest bordering Burkina Faso. Onset of symptoms occurred on 11 October 2011 and progressively got worse until he died in Sandema Hospital on 18 October 2011. District outbreak teams investigated the affected areas but found no additional cases.
A reactive campaign has been planned starting 6 February 2012, supported by the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision (YF-ICG) and the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO). Over 235 000 people in the affected districts have been targeted for vaccination, with the exclusion of pregnant women and children aged under one year.
This activity will complement the two-phased YF preventive mass campaign undertaken by the country. The first phase was conducted in November 2011 and targeted a population of 5.8 million people covering 40 districts (8 regions). A YF reactive campaign was carried out in 3 more districts. The second phase, planned for this year, seeks to target 1.7 million people spanning 17 districts.
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Masrip Sarumpaet
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Silicone implants
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Yellow Fever in Senegal
1 December 2011 - The Ministry of Health in Senegal notified the WHO of three cases of yellow fever in Kédougou and Saraya Health districts, near the border with Mali and Guinea Conakry on 26 October 2011.
The index case was a 25 year-old female who developed symptoms of fever, headache and vomiting, with no history of yellow fever vaccination. She consulted the health military post of Kédougou on 23 July 2011. The case was detected as part of a surveillance project for dengue and chikungunya conducted in the region. The WHO reference laboratory for Yellow Fever at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar confirmed the case (IgM by ELISA test and Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test or PRNT) on 10 October 2011.
Two other cases - 29 year-old female and 3 year-old male - were reported on 10 and 11 August 2011. All three cases have fully recovered. An outbreak investigation team assessed the situation in the Kédougou and Saraya districts from 8 to 29 August 2011, where a total of 76 people (suspected cases and their contacts, including 10 deaths) were identified. Laboratory tests conducted showed no evidence of recent yellow fever infection among the 76 people. However, the tests (IgG) indicated that 20 of them had previously been exposed to yellow fever virus or yellow fever vaccine.
The health districts of Kédougou and Saraya benefited from a preventive mass vaccination campaign in December 2007, where the vaccination coverage was 94.9% and 94.8% respectively.
The Ministry of Health of Senegal plans to organize a vaccination campaign in mid-December 2011, targeting the non-vaccinated individuals aged nine months and above, excluding pregnant women in Kédougou, Saraya and Salémata health districts. The mass vaccination campaign aims to protect the susceptible population living in the area, which appears to have increased due to recent migration from neighboring countries. A total of 159,626 doses of vaccine from the GAVI-funded yellow fever emergency vaccine stockpile has been released by the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision (YF-ICG) for the campaign.
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Masrip Sarumpaet