SELAMAT DATANG Dr. JEFRI SITORUS, M.Kes semoga sukses memimpin KKP Kelas I Medan------------------------ Kami Mengabdikan diri Bagi Nusa dan Bangsa untuk memutus mata rantai penularan penyakit Antar Negara di Pintu Masuk Negara (Pelabuhan Laut, Bandar Udara dan Pos Lintas Batas Darat=PLBD) ------

Disease Outbreak News

Friday, May 1, 2009

Govt. confirms one case of swine flu in Ireland

Thursday April 30 2009

The Department of Health has confirmed the first case of swine flu in Ireland.

Officials confirmed that one person has tested positive for the virus in a briefing at Government Buildings in Dublin this afternoon.

The person affected is a man from the east of the country who recently arrived home from Mexico.

In the UK, the number of confirmed cases of swine flu has risen to eight, with the latest cases confirmed in Newcastle and London.

All eight people infected with the virus have some association with travel to Mexico.

Source :


Travel Notices - CDC Travelers' Health